Historical Fiction

The Old Man and the Sea Fiction
The Old Man and the Sea


305.31 Million words | 2022-07-14 11:39Update

time travel historical fiction history and historical fiction historical fiction by time period

Heroes of Mountains and Rivers Fiction
Heroes of Mountains and Rivers

Please give your recommendation vote to the new novel "Bloodline of the Gods" and share your thoughts in the book review section. Other recommendations include "Questing," "Immortal Path Smoke and Dust," "The Generation Strategist," "Rising and Falling in Officialdom," "The War of the Sky," and "Legend of the Divine Arrow."

90.67 Million words | 2023-03-20 20:24Update

time travel historical fiction best time travel historical fiction historical fiction history

The Great Figure of the Republic of China Fiction
The Great Figure of the Republic of China

The Party History researcher from the 21st century traveled back to 1925 and used their foresight and knowledge to constantly strengthen themselves, making their opponents of that era miserable. "I regret pulling Li Tie's leg," said President Chiang Kai-shek. "If Li Tie had not died, there would be no hope for our empire," lamented Tu Feiyuan. "I really want to work under Li Tie," said Bond. "I heard he offers the highest salary in the world." "What? You say I'm the king of spies? That's a joke. Cut this interview out. If Li Tie finds out, do you want me to be in trouble?" exclaimed Hoover.

329.32 Million words | 2021-11-01 10:35Update

historical fiction history historical fiction timeline historical fiction time travel

Iron Will Fiction
Iron Will

The fierce battle outside Nanjing, the changing of the flag on Dawai Mountain, the unmatched bravery of the heroic men, vowing to fight the Japanese aggressors to the end! They intercepted supplies, burned down watchtowers, rescued fellow compatriots. The guerrilla and volunteer armies joined forces, creating countless thrilling and heart-stirring tales!

193.58 Million words | 2021-01-24 16:16Update

historical fiction time periods historical fiction timeline historical fiction time travel

Bone Setting Fiction
Bone Setting

When the North Wind howls, he rides alone with a long sword, his red robe stained with blood, cutting down the enemy amidst thousands of troops and horses; Amidst the snowy desert, he stands tall with his sword, with 18,000 iron-clad warriors, leaving the Yang Pass and passing through prosperous lands. When the purple gas emerges from all directions, he indulges in endless drinking, painting and writing with a yellow flag, building a foundation for the ages through laughter and discussion within the palace...New book "Ten Emperors of the Ten Kingdoms" http://book.zongheng.com/book/.html

519.05 Million words | 2022-05-30 04:30Update

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Rising from the Lower Class Fiction
Rising from the Lower Class

All things are inferior, but reading is supreme. In this age that values reading above all else, let's see how Zhang Jie climbs to the top step by step. This book is humorous and witty, creating a different view of the Ming Dynasty for you.

596.48 Million words | 2021-12-24 16:24Update

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Reborn in 1902. Fiction
Reborn in 1902.

Shanghai Bund - Battle Among Dragons and Snakes! In this turbulent era, society is akin to the rivers and lakes, where the weak are prey to the strong. Whether referred to as society by scholars, or the rivers and lakes by warriors, what is the difference? Survival of the fittest, only continual growth can lead to success. In 1902, a new soul is reborn. Is it an envoy of the goddess of hate, a judge appointed by the heavens, or a flash of lightning that shatters the darkness? Eliminating evil and promoting good, killing fiercely at every turn. For Ah Fa, rebirth is both fortune and redemption. Even if this road to redemption is paved with blood, even if the ultimate goal is the fate of the nation and the people, he must press forward courageously. Only by trampling on evil and carving out a bloody path can he achieve this one and only form of redemption, as well as fulfill the promise of a bright future in his dreams. Redemption through Blood.

24.49 Million words | 2022-07-22 23:38Update

history and historical fiction dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction time periods

China above all else. Fiction
China above all else.

"The desire for the destruction of other races lives on within me, and only by completely eliminating them can we achieve peace!" "We have one third of the world's population, yet less than one tenth of its land; we need war to break these constraints!" "The Earth is too small, and can only accommodate one race - our own!" This is the story of a reborn individual with space abilities who leads the rise of the Chinese nation during the end of the Qing dynasty. A new book club has been created: _____.

223.96 Million words | 2021-04-11 10:03Update

time travel historical fiction dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction time travel

Veteran Fiction

I asked, don't discharged soldiers get resettlement fees? It would be nice to start a small business. He carefully wiped the corners of his mouth with a piece of tissue. His child needed to go to school and tuition was expensive. The resettlement fee was not much. He could have transferred to another job at the time, but he had no connections and could only go home. Later, his wife got sick and they had already spent all the resettlement fee. He didn't have much education when he joined the army, and he didn't have many opportunities after leaving. Without education, he could only do manual labor. That's what he said. However, his child was doing well in school, which saved him a lot of worries. He worked hard outside and earned more money, hoping to send his child to a good university. Suddenly, I blurted out, "Have you tried to ask the government for other subsidies?" He just looked at me and then stood up, carefully straightening his clothes. He said, "I am a physically and mentally capable discharged soldier."

10.52 Million words | 2023-04-12 05:57Update

fiction short story examples novel the novel

Returning to the Qing Dynasty with a Super Battleship Fiction
Returning to the Qing Dynasty with a Super Battleship

In the year A.D., during a routine patrol of the "Zhengwu" space cruiser in the Renma galaxy, it encountered a space-time turbulence and arrived in the Qing Dynasty. Li Zhongju was the only survivor of the warship, but with the warship in his hand and his wit in his heart, he was invincible. In the end, Li Zhongju led China on the path of hegemony. Empress Dowager Cixi glared at the ministers, saying, "As long as Li Zhongju is not dead, don't expect peace for anyone!" The Japanese emperor said to the prime minister, "Mobilize all available forces and deal with Li Zhongju. Otherwise, we will never be able to establish ourselves in East Asia." The Russian czar shuddered and said, "We should surrender to the Chinese. This war cannot be won!" The European powers sighed and said, "Contact China immediately and we are willing to pay for all losses." The President of the United States cautiously said, "The only country we cannot offend in this world is China."

153.33 Million words | 2023-06-03 23:54Update

history and historical fiction dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction time periods

Killing Tang Dynasty Fiction
Killing Tang Dynasty

After the reign of Tang Emperor Suzong, there was no law and order, with rebel soldiers killing their commanders and rebel generals holding their emperors hostage – it became a commonplace during the Five Dynasties. The emperor was like a traveler in a foreign land, while the people suffered greatly. The root of these troubles were the factions, eunuchs, and regional governors. The establishment of regional governors was meant for self-defense, but it ultimately led to their own downfall. With the regional governors holding power, the Tang dynasty was trapped and there was no hope for its revival. However, their support helped to keep the Tang dynasty from collapsing for one hundred and fifty years, until the An Lushan Rebellion led to its ultimate demise. The disorder caused by regional governors reached its peak during the Huang Chao uprising, which led to the fragmentation of the country and the absence of order. This evil legacy had a far-reaching impact on the development of government policies during the early years of the Song dynasty, and continued to cause harm for centuries to come. This text is taken from a historical background and the main theme of this article is fictional, speculative and imaginative. Though the cover looks serious, the content is also quite serious. Tags defined by the author: Calm.

210.13 Million words | 2021-10-26 15:09Update

history and historical fiction dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction history

Fairy spectrum Fiction
Fairy spectrum

Produced by the Qingdu Studio, Email Address: [email protected] ___________________________________ Chess transcends the mundane, dominating the world of strategy, portraying the image of a chess player who uses the game to navigate life. Exploring danger and seeking marvels, it reveals the illusions of existence. Different from wuxia romance or supernatural tales, it creates a unique legend. Chess family secrets - Nine Palace Chess, Three Wars Chess, Blind Chess, Murderer's Chess... The protagonist Fang Guohuan is guided by a master, comprehending the highest realm of chess, the Tianyuan state. From then on, he roams the world of chess, benefiting society with his skills. Outside the Great Wall, he sets up the Tianyuan Chess Formation, repelling the iron cavalry of the Jurchen; at the Yellow Crane Tower, he engages in a fierce battle against the Killer's Chess. Later, he travels overseas to avoid disaster, following in Zheng He's footsteps to explore the Western world. Bearing witness to countless adventures, beneath the Kunlun Mountains, he changes the "Land Pattern" with his chess skills, creating an unparalleled myth. In the end, he bathes in the blood of Liaodong... Life is like a chess game, but few can truly navigate it successfully!

499.30 Million words | 2022-12-15 20:01Update

dual timeline historical fiction best time travel historical fiction historical fiction time travel

Kill in all directions. Fiction
Kill in all directions.

During the pseudo-Manchurian period in western Liaoning, a series of assassinations targeting the Japanese and collaborators raised high alert within the "Special Higher Police". The note that read "Kill this person, kill in all directions" became the only clue. Who was "Kill in all directions"? Was it the legendary bandit who had supposedly been "shot dead" by the Japanese during their encirclement, Kill in all directions? Or was it Zhang Tao, the refined "Councilor" of Manchukuo and the savior of the Japanese Prince? Perhaps it was the underground anti-Japanese organization in South Manchuria, or the secret agents infiltrating Northeast China for a revival plan! In bustling cities and remote forests, the shadow of Kill in all directions lurked everywhere. When the arsenal exploded, it was Kill in all directions; when a turncoat who had sided with the Japanese was hanged upside down, it was Kill in all directions; and when communist traitors were assassinated, it was also Kill in all directions! When the real bearded Kill in all directions took several shots and remained standing; when Zhang Laicai, the leader of the South Manchuria branch, sacrificed himself; when the entire Liaoxi Anti-Japanese Salvation Army perished while covering the detonation of the munitions ship; and when Zhang Tao and others met their end in a special military train, Kill in all directions immediately assassinated the chief of police. The Japanese finally understood that Kill in all directions was a belief in defending dignity, a totem of this dark land. It was an indomitable flame of resistance against Japan! Let us together enter the sealed realm of the legendary tales of Manchuria and return to that era of the war where blood and fire intertwined!

468.80 Million words | 2021-01-22 08:42Update

time travel historical fiction best time travel historical fiction historical fiction time periods

Mengshan Army Fiction
Mengshan Army

This book is a work of alternative history. It tells the rise and legend of a surviving branch of the Xiangma armed forces in Shandong during the late Qing Dynasty. Witness how they achieve a magnificent transformation from bandits in the Meng Mountains to the Meng Mountain Army, how they play out a bloody drama on the stage of historical epochs, crushing domestic warlords, purging feudal filth, establishing a glorious republic, expelling Russia and annihilating Japan, washing away the humiliations from the Opium War to the Battle of Jiawu, and once again proclaiming the might of China. This book not only portrays grand and sweeping war scenes but also explores the struggles of both prominent and ordinary individuals caught in the tide of history - encompassing the struggles of family, country, and the world, the pursuit of power, wealth, and love, loyalty, and betrayal. Every person faces difficult choices. QQ group number for readers: [Please provide a specific QQ group number]

401.73 Million words | 2021-05-16 21:49Update

time travel historical fiction best time travel historical fiction historical fiction time travel

The Richest Man in the World Fiction
The Richest Man in the World

Year. The richest man in the world, Hu Xueyan, has died! As his primary heir, Hu Chuyuan has inherited a fortune of 20 million taels of silver, which is equivalent to 1 billion RMB, based on the post-year gold price. At this moment... There are still five years until the Sino-French War, and fifteen years until the Sino-Japanese War.

40.82 Million words | 2022-11-24 19:35Update

time travel historical fiction dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction history

Tang Dynasty Scouts Fiction
Tang Dynasty Scouts

In the Sino-Vietnamese self-defense counterattack war, Captain Zhang Wenji, the leader of a reconnaissance battalion subordinate to the military, was assigned the mission to scout the military defense layout in Liangshan. However, due to a two-minute mistake, he lost his life in the artillery fire and transmigrated to the body of a soldier in the city of Luoyang in the fourth year of Wu De in the Tang Dynasty. Being aware of the future course of history, he decisively left the city, brandishing his three-foot-long sword in pursuit of fame and success. How did he become the indispensable general of Li Shimin? At the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the four borders were in constant turmoil. Led by Zhang Yunwen, a series of special operations teams launched attacks from all sides, leaving vivid marks in the expansion history of the Tang Empire. A new book titled "Dragon Authority" has been released at http://www.k.com/book/.html. Your continued support is greatly appreciated! If you enjoy this book, please add me on QQ for discussions. QQ: [redacted]. You can also join the group: [redacted]. Thank you, brothers, for your support! I am just an enthusiast of military affairs, and the depictions of special operations in the book are mostly products of imagination. There may be many mistakes, and I ask for your understanding!

151.26 Million words | 2021-05-17 11:19Update

dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction history historical fiction time travel

Chaotic Ming Fiction
Chaotic Ming

New book released, titled "Eight Thousand Miles", book number: , mainly tells the story of the challenging industrialization in late Qing Dynasty. Your support is highly appreciated!

585.23 Million words | 2022-07-30 18:55Update

historical fiction time travel books history and historical fiction best time travel historical fiction

Endless Blood Feud Fiction
Endless Blood Feud

In Yan and Zhao, many mighty warriors have always resided. Now, their courage and valor span the heavens! He is reborn in the Wansheng coal mine in Fushun and will undoubtedly unleash his vengeance from within the depths. This is not an ordinary resistance against the Japanese; it tells a chapter of history that many have chosen to forget. He cares about nothing else but his sole purpose of reclaiming the Wansheng coal mine, which the short and ignorant foreigners have established in the land of China! He will repay them in their own coin! This is an army that spares no lives for the sake of their country and the people. They swear with their lives: never retreat, fight to the bitter end! In a head-on confrontation, I am invincible! Note that the names in the story are both real and fake, so please do not try to match them with actual individuals. The storyline contains both truth and fiction, so do not take it as a historical textbook!

568.70 Million words | 2021-06-22 05:22Update

history and historical fiction dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction timeline

Blood of the Vietnam War. Fiction
Blood of the Vietnam War.

A debauched playboy, who only knew a life of indulgence in the modern era, finds himself in the midst of the Sino-Vietnamese War era where blood and fire prevail. How will he face such a world of bloody conflict and confront the father he once despised? The blood of the Vietnam War opens up a new battlefield, recounting an extraordinary tale of comradeship!

492.77 Million words | 2020-10-10 08:22Update

best time travel historical fiction historical fiction timeline historical fiction time travel

Chinese Anti-Japanese Vanguard Fiction
Chinese Anti-Japanese Vanguard

During the arduous eight-year Anti-Japanese War in China, there was a forgotten elite force that instilled fear in the Japanese army. With a strength of over six hundred soldiers from two battalions, they defended the Yuhuatai position in Nanjing, rescuing the remnants of General Zhang Zhijing's Fifth Army who were trapped there. They immediately confronted and repelled the fanatical attack from the Japanese elite Kōshō Division, consisting of over twenty thousand troops. In a fierce battle that lasted an entire day, they sacrificed over fifty soldiers but killed over a thousand enemies, and their hand-to-hand combat left the commander of the Kōshō Division seriously injured. However, this victory was only a fleeting display of bravery and glory. This elite force was none other than the Chinese Constabulary, known as Chiang Kai-shek's Iron and Blood Guards... 九黎邀请驻站(translator's note: I don't know the exact meaning of "九黎邀请驻站" as it seems unrelated to the context. Please provide further information if necessary.)

106.26 Million words | 2021-12-16 12:46Update

history and historical fiction dual timeline historical fiction historical fiction timeline