Magi Fiction

Ji Jia Biao Han Fiction
Ji Jia Biao Han


136.73 Million words | 2021-10-23 18:07Update

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Agent of Yin and Yang: The Fate Changer Fiction
Agent of Yin and Yang: The Fate Changer

At the age of seven, I thought I would grow up like any other child, work, and start a family. But my life took a turn when I accidentally touched a gourd and unleashed something unclean. Fate, obscure and mysterious to ordinary people, became my livelihood. I am a Fate Master, part of a group of people who can alter destinies and change lives! From hundred-year fortunes to thousand-year imperial destinies, and even the mystical fates of immortals spanning ten thousand years... I have been on a journey, exploring the realm of destinies, traversing the vast land of China. Unveiling the unsolved mysteries of ancient emperors and the secrets left behind in the era of myths. Facing thousand-year-old zombies and the challenges of the underworld. I will show you a side of China that you would never have imagined. I am the Fate Master! Follow me on Weibo: The top-quality collection of horrors, paranormal stories, and ghost tales. The most popular work on Tianya and Mop. The novel that is worth your attention this year!

328.59 Million words | 2022-08-12 21:25Update

speculative fiction horror what is speculative fiction is fantasy speculative fiction

Cityscape Warlock Fiction
Cityscape Warlock

Hangcheng, with the most diverse number of multiverse portals, is the transportation hub of countless worlds. However, an unexpected disaster strikes as the lady who governs Hangcheng mysteriously falls, and the floating city on the infinite peak plummets, with its fragments scattering into numerous worlds. With the transportation severed, the multiverse enters an era of isolated development. A century later, Shen Yan, who inherited the lady's legacy, steps out of the world of cartography, traverses the gates of time and space, and embarks on a journey to find the fragments of Hangcheng. What stories unfold in the closed multiverse? Can Shen Yan revive the lady's glory and raise Hangcheng above the world? And behind it all, is there a deeper conspiracy at play?

228.72 Million words | 2021-10-22 03:33Update

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Exorcist Fiction

Life is like a game of chess, but what if you encounter a relentless series of dangers, riddles, crises, and deadlocks? Intricate and mysterious, with long hair entwined in the water, a girl with her face peeled off in front of a mirror, a sinister and bizarre "seal man," and a nameless black shadow in the basement... The summer brings bone-chilling horror. Reading late at night, all you can hear is the pounding of your heart... ***Group of Exorcists 1 (Full!) Group of Exorcists 2 (Full!)*** ***Group of Exorcists 3 (Full!) Group of Exorcists 4 (Full!)*** ***Group of Exorcists 5 Group of Exorcists 6***

364.28 Million words | 2021-07-28 05:05Update

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She is really not the Sea King Fiction
She is really not the Sea King

Lin Ran crosses over to the cultivation realm and, under the threat of thunderbolts, must complete tasks to assist the chosen successors in reaching the pinnacle of life. They add bricks and tiles to the stability and peace of the world. The junior apprentice brother is young and innocent, with a gorgeous beauty, but unfortunately, he is a obediently malignant and possessive lover. He often threatens to destroy the heavens and earth, giving warnings of his darkening nature. Lin Ran cajoles and spoils him, accompanying him to watch the stars and moon, stroking his fur to make him happy. And that’s why... The junior apprentice brother squeezes her clothes corner, his eyes shimmering as he smiles seductively, enchanting souls: Sister Aran, will Xiao Xin become yours? Is it good?

91.74 Million words | 2020-11-16 15:56Update

speculative fiction horror what is speculative fiction is fantasy speculative fiction

The Superfluous Son-in-law of the Goddess Fiction
The Superfluous Son-in-law of the Goddess

I followed my mother's last words and pretended to be useless to become a son-in-law for others, lasting for three years. Now, the three-year period has come to an end...

748.53 Million words | 2021-09-01 08:59Update

urban street fiction supernatural novel urban novel

Peach blossoms reshape the rivers and mountains. Fiction
Peach blossoms reshape the rivers and mountains.

Zhao Guo had a beautiful woman named Taohua, who faced a bumpy fate and married afar to Wei Guo, determined to climb her way up and protect her life. In Wei Guo, there was a handsome prime minister, ruthless and cunning, who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, with no regard for anyone's life. Taohua felt that everyone desired beauty, but it didn't mean her existence should be snuffed out! Shen Zaiye smirked and showed her with his actions - he was not a normal person. "If you're capable, shoot an arrow and kill me and another!" Taohua shouted with her head held high. "Alright, farewell," Shen Zaiye calmly waved his hand and gave the order. The feathered arrow flew past her ear, sending a chilling sensation throughout her body. It was only then that Jiang Taohua realized that Shen Zaiye wasn't joking. He really intended to kill her. "Your life is mine, I can take it whenever I want," Shen Zaiye said leisurely, his gaze fell behind her, suddenly becoming sharp. "But only I can take it!" This is a thrilling story of a battle of wits between a man and a woman, a passionate and intense tale. Shen Zaiye had a hundred ways to kill Jiang Taohua, while Jiang Taohua had a hundred and one ways to make him spare her. The old fox may not necessarily win, and the white rabbit isn't guaranteed to lose either. In this beautiful spring scenery, who will ultimately emerge victorious in this vast world?

71.37 Million words | 2022-11-11 09:30Update

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Death Train Fiction
Death Train

Alice, Iron Tyrannosaurus, Living Dead, Blood Chilling Soul... A black train traverses through the wreckage! Carrying fortunate or unfortunate passengers into bloody worlds. PS: Readers who enjoy this book, join the group.

154.43 Million words | 2023-04-10 15:05Update

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Forbidden Zone of the Living Fiction
Forbidden Zone of the Living

It all started that morning when I found a coin at my doorstep, but I didn't pay much attention to it. The next morning, I found a ten-dollar bill at the same spot, and I thought I was lucky to keep finding money. However, on the third morning, when I saw a hundred-dollar bill on the ground, I started to feel something was not right. From that day on, strange things kept happening around me, and I had to enter forbidden places to continue surviving. The Hell Apartment without an exit, the Hongya Eight Fort in which living people were kept as ghosts, the Changsha Rat King's Tomb where the dead rose again, and the deserted Jiaxing Village where no one dared to approach... Perhaps one day, you will receive a note telling you, "It's getting dark, come play together!"

144.04 Million words | 2022-05-26 17:53Update

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I am a hermaphrodite. Fiction
I am a hermaphrodite.

When I was born, my mother's initial reaction was to strangle me because I was born with ambiguous genitalia. My grandmother called me a freak and a bearer of bad luck, causing shame to our family. However, when my mother's grandmother came all the way from the countryside to visit, she unexpectedly adopted me. So, I gained an innocent and unbiased childhood. Following my half-immortal grandmother, I accidentally discovered that I was different from ordinary people. My grandmother said that I was destined to walk between yin and yang, just like my body, half yin and half yang. The male rabbit's feet dance unpredictably, while the female rabbit's eyes are bewildering. When two rabbits walk side by side, how can one discern if I am male or female? I am an individual of both yin and yang, let me guide you to distinguish between them...

66.51 Million words | 2021-11-20 08:37Update

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Heaven's Fortune in Jeopardy Fiction
Heaven's Fortune in Jeopardy

I've been plotted against since before I was born. The knowledgeable gentleman said I wouldn't live past seven years old. To save me, my grandmother arranged for me to marry a child bride, so I could live a peaceful life. Although later I discovered that my bride sister-in-law was very peculiar...

127.80 Million words | 2023-02-25 19:07Update

speculative fiction horror speculative historical fiction is horror speculative fiction

The Boy Who Eats Ghosts Fiction
The Boy Who Eats Ghosts

The human nature is connected to the soul, and the amplification of negative emotions in one's heart can lead to the mutation of their soul. Instead of reincarnating in the realm of the afterlife, these mutated souls remain trapped in the human world, transforming into malevolent ghosts that threaten humanity. Zhang Chen, a student from Jinxi County, unexpectedly gained the power of a soul reaper. He can devour ghosts to acquire their power and abilities, continuously evolving his own physical form. However, the greater his abilities become, the larger the world he encounters...

411.70 Million words | 2021-09-07 19:01Update

speculative fiction horror speculative fiction examples is fantasy speculative fiction

Deep Sea Embers Fiction
Deep Sea Embers

On that day, a thick fog enveloped everything. On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship. On that day, he ventured through the dense mist and confronted a world completely overturned and shattered - the former order had crumbled, eerie phenomena dominated the endless seas beyond civilized society, and isolated island cities and fleets challenging the vast ocean had become the only remaining lights of civilization. However, the shadows of the past still lurked in the deep sea, ready to continue devouring this dying world. But for the new captain of the Lost Homeward, there was only one question he needed to consider first - how the hell do you even steer this ship? The latest chapters of Deep Sea Embers can be found at:

156.88 Million words | 2020-08-17 16:47Update

2023 historical fiction historical fiction of 2022 2022 historical fiction

Devouring the Starry Sky Fiction
Devouring the Starry Sky

The days when we chased the "Coiling Dragon" novel together. The diary of Coiling Dragon's female fan lolita. For details, click on pl. Following "Nine Cauldrons," "Coiling Dragon," "Stellar Transformations," "Cuan Mang," and "Stellar Peak Legend," this is Tomato's sixth book! Summary: In the starry sky, this planet is entirely brownish-yellow, with no signs of life, and a diameter of kilometers. Oh, it unexpectedly contains veins of "Stellar Tears Gold." What luck! After devouring this planet, my strength should be restored to what it was before my injury. Pale-faced Luo Feng sits cross-legged on a flying meteorite, overlooking a lifeless planet in the distance. "Swallowing the Starry Sky," Tomato's sixth novel, will present a vast and mysterious future world.

478.45 Million words | 2021-07-31 14:55Update

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Dark civilization Fiction
Dark civilization

As night falls and darkness descends upon the world, a great era known as the "Age of Darkness" begins, marking another stage of evolution for humanity. With memories of surviving the apocalypse for ten years, Ye Chen returns to the day it all began, with one goal in mind: to protect the people around him. And then...with the strength of an ant, he sets out to conquer the world! Lost in the midst of life, struggling aimlessly in this world, as you move forward, there will always be a path that opens up for you... Following the powerful masterpiece, "Terror Storm of the Apocalypse", comes a new and formidable work.

334.64 Million words | 2022-02-25 22:47Update

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The Supreme Technology System of the Academic Genius Fiction
The Supreme Technology System of the Academic Genius

"System, can I exchange points for money?" "No." "Damn, what's the use of you then?" "This system can make you become a top student, like the father of all humankind. What use do you have for money?"

448.02 Million words | 2021-08-01 04:56Update

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Dawn's Path in the World of American Comics Fiction
Dawn's Path in the World of American Comics

Reborn as a henchman in Gotham City, I unwittingly stumbled into an evil organization. Although my heart inclined towards righteousness, I gradually found myself sinking into darkness. The entire world, and countless worlds, tried to convince the good-hearted Mason that becoming a super villain in this era of catastrophe would be a more promising path. But Mason found it difficult to persuade himself, so he decided to do something simple instead. Maybe, just maybe, I could try to restore order in this dark and chaotic era. And hey! Batman and the heroes of the Justice League, when are you guys going to make a move? If you don't start rounding us up soon, I'm going undercover to become the leader of the villains! P.S. The true title of this book should be "Transcending Marvel Comics: My Desire to Be a Good Person," "Gotham Legends: Would You Love Me If I Were Robin?" "Infinite Journeys: Confessions of a Freeloading Monster Across 108 Worlds," and "Tragic Past: From the Spirit of Craftsmanship to the Path of Counterfeit Merchants." W.

360.02 Million words | 2021-02-12 22:03Update

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I can shatter planets with my mind. Fiction
I can shatter planets with my mind.

The only extraordinary being in the Blue Star, who shatters planets with the power of his mind—a cultivator of divine refinement!

132.24 Million words | 2020-10-22 00:48Update

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The Chronicle of the Bureau of Public Opinion - Sequel Fiction
The Chronicle of the Bureau of Public Opinion - Sequel

Twenty-six years ago, when I was born, someone had my fortune told and said that my destiny had an ominous element. In order to counteract this, my grandfather gave me a name to ward off the negative energy, and I became known as Shen La. Twenty years ago, at the age of six, I innocently encountered friends from that world. Four years ago, I, still a special forces soldier, became involved in a bizarre incident. I was pulled by fate into an organization called the Bureau of Folklore Affairs and Research and became an investigator. From that day on, my nightmare mode had already been activated. Two years ago, I was betrayed by a colleague, fell into a deep abyss, and became a vegetable until recently, when I finally woke up. Now, let me tell you the story of what has happened recently...

450.85 Million words | 2021-06-20 10:26Update

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The Legend of Seven Realms Fiction
The Legend of Seven Realms

Complete Seven Realms Legends, including a full prequel. In the millennium cultivation realm, the legend of the five factions, six academies, and seven realms is passed down. Lu Yun is born with a birth defect, embarking on an extraordinary path, entwined with unforgettable love and friendship. Along the way, he will endure tribulations, but what will the ultimate outcome be? Immortals, Buddhas, Taoists, demons, monsters, and beasts of all kinds gather together. Right and wrong, good and evil, constantly changing. What is heaven, what is earth, who can truly comprehend the realm of gods, ghosts, and monsters?

1,237.53 Million words | 2022-02-17 08:34Update

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