Magi Fiction

Dragon Clan V: The Return of the Mourner Fiction
Dragon Clan V: The Return of the Mourner

The demon kings in hell are tearing each other apart. Iron swords and sharp claws shred through the air, leaving traces of frost and flames. The blood splatters, turning into steaming crimson mist in the scorching heat. Shockwaves reverberate through the long corridors, shattering all the intact glass, making the entire building tremble. If you, my dear readers, think "Return of the Mourner (Dragon Clan V: Return of the Mourner)" is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in your QQ groups and on Weibo!

510.61 Million words | 2022-04-15 15:32Update

non fiction fantasy fantasy or science fiction fantasy and science fiction

Foundation Fiction

In the past, the past is history, and yesterday is history. Asimov, however, is different. His "Foundation" series is about "future history", about "distant future history", about "tomorrow's history"! As this "future historian" and "American Sima Qian", Asimov uses an epic narrative style and the grand chapters of the Foundation series to tell readers the fascinating and intricate stories from the "Galactic Empire", the First Foundation (commonly referred to as "Foundation"), the Second Foundation, and the enigmatic "Mule", presenting the "future history" in all its glory to the readers.

509.86 Million words | 2020-12-20 23:37Update

speculative fiction examples is horror speculative fiction speculative fiction vs fantasy

Panic boiling Fiction
Panic boiling

A woman accidentally sent a selfie to Tang Zheng's phone. When she asked to meet him, poor Tang Zheng got into a bus accident. In the moment of death, he was transported to a mysterious, secluded room. In this room, there were many people who were supposed to be dead: flight attendants, female teachers, politicians, trust fund babies, death row inmates, bosses, and employees. They were toys, meant to be pleased with your lowly lives and sweet blood. Please fight each other! Nazi zombies chasing after you, Japanese high school girls in sailor uniforms wielding samurai swords. Game rules: you must abide by the rules...

503.94 Million words | 2022-10-09 02:31Update

speculative fiction books what is speculative fiction speculative historical fiction

Supreme Villain Fiction
Supreme Villain

Snow flies, shooting at white deer, Laughing books and divine knights lean on blue mandarin ducks. Seeking the immortal sword in Qin and the great Tang Dynasty, Water Margin, Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Thor, Iron Man, and the Avengers, Heroes and beauty compete in charm, But here comes the ultimate antagonist! Du Yu, with his inherent god-level antagonist attribute! Various god-level traps await: -Must join the antagonist forces, erase the boss upon death. -Must deceive and abduct the female lead, failure results in erasure. -Must complete three antagonist missions, or face erasure. Various godly benefits: Antagonist exchange system: Antagonist points can be exchanged for protagonist's skills, Or even exchanged for the female lead! The more evil deeds, the faster the skill growth. Du Yu only focuses on four things: enemy of the protagonist, enchantress, friend of the boss, and the betrayer among adventurers. A limitless flow novel "The Beauty Drama Space," with millions of collections and subscriptions. With daily updates of ten thousand words and guaranteed quality, Please rest assured and support by collecting it.

501.90 Million words | 2021-05-21 13:35Update

speculative fiction horror speculative fiction definition is fantasy speculative fiction

Gu techniques in Miao territory. Fiction
Gu techniques in Miao territory.

The curse of witchcraft has continued for thousands of years since the Western Han dynasty, persisting despite multiple bans. Even now, as Chinese traditional studies decline and people's wisdom gradually increases, many people in rural areas of China are unaware of the widespread existence of witchcraft and sorcery. However, the art of witchcraft and sorcery, particularly in the form of curses and rituals, thrives in various regions of Southeast Asia, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, with different schools of practice emerging. Do you, my dear friends, truly believe that there are no exceptional individuals in the vast land of China? I say, no! No! No! Shall I tell you that I am a practitioner of the art of nurturing vermin from the Miao region?

498.43 Million words | 2023-01-07 04:04Update

speculative historical fiction is horror speculative fiction speculative fiction vs fantasy

Divine Demon System Fiction
Divine Demon System

The world turned into an apocalypse in an instant, with zombies and mutated creatures running rampant. Humanity struggled desperately to survive in this new world. Yue Zhong fought hard to stay alive in the midst of the apocalypse, but it was incredibly difficult. When Yue Zhong and his team overcame countless hardships and reclaimed the entire country from the hands of zombies and mutated creatures, he suddenly realized that he had only passed the first level. In this post-nuclear explosion world filled with nuclear radiation, mutated humans, radioactive beasts, and extremely scarce resources, ancient creatures like dinosaurs roamed freely. In this evolved world, intelligent dinosaur-human hybrids, with their powerful racial abilities and physical prowess ten times that of a human, ruled over the society.

497.68 Million words | 2023-05-25 11:48Update

speculative fiction books what is speculative fiction is fantasy speculative fiction

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Fiction
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Earth was destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass. The protagonist, Arthur Dent, survived because of his friend Ford Prefect. Ford, who appeared to be an unemployed actor, was actually an alien researcher sent to Earth by the Guide. Together, they embarked on an intergalactic adventure, relying solely on the infinite wisdom contained in the book, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

497.07 Million words | 2021-06-28 02:27Update

speculative fiction meaning speculative fiction examples is horror speculative fiction

Medium Fiction

I don't know if you've ever heard of them, but there are people in the world who don't need any tangible contact. With just a flicker of insight or a sudden thought, they can learn a great deal. Their eyes can see through the past, perceive the present, and even unravel the future. They can see what you see through your eyes, smell what you smell through your nose, taste what you taste through your tongue, and delve into your thoughts through your heart. These people are known to the outside world as "mediums". Brief summary: A story about a dormant jerk who awakens and starts walking.

495.93 Million words | 2023-03-27 04:54Update

speculative fiction horror speculative fiction examples is horror speculative fiction

Dimensional Butterfly Fiction
Dimensional Butterfly

Cheng Pan, an inconspicuous ordinary citizen. He grew up in a small but prosperous and secure family, treated others kindly in society, and had a stable job. This obedient baby was swept away by a strand of time and space rules. Far away from his original dimension, he embarked on a journey to explore the world and discover his true self. The divine space is a prison, and the time and space rules that collapse from the divine space are also a prison.

493.46 Million words | 2020-10-24 18:19Update

speculative fiction books speculative fiction meaning is horror speculative fiction

Yin Yang Agent Fiction
Yin Yang Agent

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, I have always been among them since I was a child. My name is Du Mu Sen. I have no memories before the age of ten and I have no idea who my parents are. Growing up in an orphanage, my friends always die one after another. One night, I encountered the Grim Reaper, Bai Wu Chang, and thought I was doomed. However, I met an uncle who changed my life forever. Since then, I have traveled to every corner of China and witnessed all sorts of strange things. This is the real account of one of the most dangerous and mysterious professions in China: I am a true soul summoner, an agent of the Yin and Yang! This story is purely fictional.

487.68 Million words | 2021-10-24 06:28Update

speculative fiction meaning is horror speculative fiction speculative fiction vs fantasy

Laozi is a toad. Fiction
Laozi is a toad.

Nobleman. Unparalleled talent, leaving others in the dust. Crimson cap. In that year, the snowstorm swept across the capital, and I made a remarkable achievement. Red-robed Watchers fan group: Group number I'm in the QT voice room 【】 [Novel] Flames of War Jest at Kings?Crazy Demon `Fans, everyone can chat together when free Link address:

484.39 Million words | 2022-09-16 15:36Update

speculative fiction meaning what is speculative fiction speculative fiction examples

Devouring the Starry Sky Fiction
Devouring the Starry Sky

The days when we chased the "Coiling Dragon" novel together. The diary of Coiling Dragon's female fan lolita. For details, click on pl. Following "Nine Cauldrons," "Coiling Dragon," "Stellar Transformations," "Cuan Mang," and "Stellar Peak Legend," this is Tomato's sixth book! Summary: In the starry sky, this planet is entirely brownish-yellow, with no signs of life, and a diameter of kilometers. Oh, it unexpectedly contains veins of "Stellar Tears Gold." What luck! After devouring this planet, my strength should be restored to what it was before my injury. Pale-faced Luo Feng sits cross-legged on a flying meteorite, overlooking a lifeless planet in the distance. "Swallowing the Starry Sky," Tomato's sixth novel, will present a vast and mysterious future world.

478.45 Million words | 2021-07-31 14:55Update

new historical fiction 2023 science fiction genre science fiction and fantasy

Summoning Spirits Fiction
Summoning Spirits

"The Summoning of Spirits" People have souls, whether you believe it or not. Let me tell you about the eerie things my grandmother did to summon spirits for others. Faint-hearted individuals, beware! This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to real-life events or persons is purely coincidental. "The Summoning of Spirits" was first published on Heiyan Reading Website, exclusively signed. I hope everyone can support the genuine version on Heiyan Reading Website. Thank you!

478.41 Million words | 2021-05-25 16:36Update

speculative fiction definition is fantasy speculative fiction is horror speculative fiction

Jingkou Battle Fiction
Jingkou Battle

A forced burden. A high-dimensional consciousness dragged along by a trailer that it cannot escape. (Open to discussions on technology and peace, but if you're here to rant and push your own agenda, please leave. Of course, if you've written over a million words on a single topic...)

476.51 Million words | 2022-12-19 20:41Update

speculative fiction meaning what is speculative fiction is fantasy speculative fiction

My Cell Prison. Fiction
My Cell Prison.

Reborn as a cell, wielding the power of the Yudian Prison Manual, he arrives in a parallel world under the watchful eyes of the Old Gods. Steampunk civilization, fate points, thrilling spaces, demonic creatures, followers of the Old Gods... He will embark on a journey to confront the Old Gods in the name of the Warden. Returning to the right path, Ah Fei presents a brand new science fiction thriller that guarantees quality. Also known as "Starting from Scratch" [Starting with just a head, relying on scavenging for the rest of the body].

475.72 Million words | 2021-12-10 01:28Update

suspense fiction mystery suspense novels unique suspense novel

Desperate Classroom Fiction
Desperate Classroom

Originally just a prank vote, it triggered a series of tragedies as one classmate after another died. And the voting continued. I knew, maybe the next one to die would be me...! Read the latest chapter of "Desperate Classroom" title=here, target=_blank here/a/b. I recommend adding "Desperate Classroom" to your reading list. Site members can download the full text of "Desperate Classroom" for free. If you think "Desperate Classroom" is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in your QQ group and on Weibo! The latest chapter of "Desperate Classroom", no pop-ups, full text reading.

475.35 Million words | 2022-12-22 02:43Update

secrets of great mystery and suspense fiction mystery and detective fiction suspense novel

Extreme chill Fiction
Extreme chill

Can a person who always sees ghosts be happy? Well, here's a friendly reminder. This book is filled with violence, darkness, bloodshed, and perversion. It lacks any positive energy and gives off a constant sense of oppression throughout. This book is not suitable for the average person, nor is it suitable for upright individuals and gentlemen. Of course, these issues can only be realized after reading further; they cannot be experienced by only reading the initial chapters. As for me, I enjoy digging pits and don't care about filling them. This book sets traps within traps, and once you step into one, it's hard to get out. Everyone should proceed with caution. Book club: (This is definitely not a paranormal group; there are many cute girls in the group...)

473.21 Million words | 2022-10-21 11:04Update

mystery suspense novels suspense novel unique suspense novel

Magic Phone 3 Fiction
Magic Phone 3

After Shani's departure, Lu Xiaoqian did not feel down. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the development of artificial intelligence and successfully developed the new generation of Shani Magical Phone, which was a significant breakthrough in AI and attracted the attention of some sinister individuals. They conspired to harm Lu Xiaoqian and steal Shani. However, Lu Xiaoqian and Shani were not afraid. They engaged in a battle of wits with these criminals. The "Flying Squad" arrived upon hearing the news and helped Lu Xiaoqian and Shani fight against evil and promote goodness. In the arduous struggle, they discovered the hidden conspiracy behind their opponents. An overseas criminal group was using an evil drug to poison humanity. Lu Xiaoqian and Shani discerned the truth and joined forces with the like-minded "Flying Squad" to declare war on the criminal group. Eventually, they successfully crushed the criminal group and thwarted their mad plan. The Magical Phone also went through constant updates and improvements in this battle, becoming a reliable assistant for people to pursue a happy life.

471.38 Million words | 2022-03-08 21:09Update

speculative fiction books what is speculative fiction speculative fiction definition

Global College Entrance Examination Fiction
Global College Entrance Examination

Global High Risk Unified Examination, abbreviated as the Global College Entrance Examination. Survival depends on practicing past exam papers. The examination system undergoes reform every January, with occasional random changes.

465.58 Million words | 2020-11-25 18:56Update

speculative fiction horror speculative fiction definition speculative fiction examples

Ultimate Evolution Fiction
Ultimate Evolution

I walk on the edge of darkness and fantasy. ****Please add work contact information**** Navigating through spaces derived from human imagination. Engaging in a magical battle like Harry Potter, wielding the power of the Caribbean Pirates. Harnessing the strength of the Terminator, tearing apart the mesmerizing Matrix. Viruses are my servants, resilience is my legacy. Hunting in the vast universe. Journeying through the mysterious river of time.

461.76 Million words | 2022-04-23 15:18Update

war of worlds novel light novel world the infinity war graphic novel