Adventure Fiction

The Galactic Era Fiction
The Galactic Era

In the year of AD, humanity has entered the Federation era. After over three centuries of interstellar exploration and development, they have established a dozen or so colonization planets and continue to expand beyond the Milky Way. Jiang Ping, an ordinary Federation citizen, had an extraordinary adventure during a planetary exploration, which changed the trajectory of his ordinary life and set him on the path to reaching the pinnacle of his interstellar exploration journey!

599.43 Million words | 2021-01-10 03:21Update

speculative historical fiction speculative fiction examples is fantasy speculative fiction

Marvel's Death Merchant Fiction
Marvel's Death Merchant

Arriving in the multiverse of Marvel, traversing countless dimensions of movies, anime, and TV series, based on the Marvel arms dealer, Hammerhead. Plundering the Terminator, Mechanic Octopus, Machine Enemy, Starfleet, Pacific Rim, and Transformers' advanced technology, establishing a mechanical empire, devouring and assimilating powers, genes, and technology from Ultraman, Iron Blooded Orphans, Infinity War, Power Outage, Darkstalkers, Naruto, and Edge of Tomorrow... Constructing a steel empire belonging to the Technological Cult, becoming the most powerful arms dealer in Marvel's history. PS: The real world revolves around Marvel movies, with comics as supplemental material. The protagonist relies on technology, with magic as assistance. PS: Join the novel discussion group; trust that the book has been contracted for you all to collect.

236.80 Million words | 2022-05-22 23:38Update

speculative fiction horror speculative historical fiction is fantasy speculative fiction

Quick Wear: She's the Ultimate Boss Fiction
Quick Wear: She's the Ultimate Boss

【Sweet Pet-Gentle Romance】 In the modern female-dominated world, the protagonist of the quick transmigration was knocked out, and the different worlds were collapsing. The male lead and the antagonist were both reborn, fighting over her – to eliminate her. Si Wu issued a "potential husband" team invitation to the two of them and sat back to watch the fight between the tigers. The fair and gentle young man said innocently, "Congratulations to the two brothers for being selected. Please take care of me in the future, Ah Juan." In the forbidden world of literature, the author excitedly revised the story, turning it into a crematorium. Si Wu forcefully blocked the road and towed the car, unlocking all the restricted chapters. The misanthropic antagonist nestled in her arms and passionately said, "Little ancestor, you smell so good~" On the eve of being transmigrated into a drama, the screenwriter made her a victim as the female lead in a tragic story. Si Wu spent a billion to make the screenwriter swap places with her and become the tragic female lead. The screenwriter couldn't survive for more than three chapters. The creditor overlord pinned her against the wall, desperately itching to collect his debt, "If you don't have money, I'll take you as collateral." Si Wu: "...He didn't say that when he borrowed money!" Junxi was entrusted by the Jade Emperor to train Si Wu to become the next main god. However, he ended up investing both money and effort and sacrificed himself both physically and mentally. [Si Wu x Junxi, an uninhibited couple]

272.49 Million words | 2022-10-28 06:13Update

speculative fiction books speculative historical fiction is fantasy speculative fiction

Cosmic supervillain Fiction
Cosmic supervillain

Wang Hao traveled through time and obtained a system. Why? A villain system? It requires deceiving others, doing bad things, and being despised by others... in order to use it? Should one have integrity or not? N years later, the first thing every person in the universe does when they wake up is to spit on Wang Hao's portrait and curse him as a beast, before having the mood to go to work. Wang Hao looks innocent: Can you blame me for this? I was originally a pure and innocent youth. It's all the system's fault. The system looks disdainful: Blaming the system won't make you any less despicable. Group chat number: [N/A]

549.09 Million words | 2022-12-19 08:40Update

speculative fiction books speculative fiction meaning speculative historical fiction

Marvel Mind Transmitter Fiction
Marvel Mind Transmitter

A sudden unexpected soul transference sent Zhang Xuan from Earth in the 21st century to the eve of World War II, where he crossed paths with Steve Rogers, who had yet to become Captain America. And so the story began... History was forever altered, and the future took a completely different path. PS: The plot is mainly based on the movie, with references to the comic books and some original content.

406.41 Million words | 2021-03-26 03:33Update

speculative fiction meaning speculative fiction definition speculative fiction examples

Colonization装 Fiction

When mechs became outdated and new individual armaments emerged, warfare took on a new pattern. Traditional legions became feeble and pale in the face of absolute individual power. The new rule of survival came into being. On planet X, in the post-apocalyptic era, a young boy took his first step in the ruins. Little did he know, his life was destined to be engulfed in darkness, bringing terror and destruction to others. Because he possessed the world's greatest secret.

312.87 Million words | 2020-12-25 19:25Update

hard science fiction tales of demons and gods novel life science fiction

City Invincible War God Fiction
City Invincible War God

Five years ago, framed and imprisoned! Five years later, he returned in glory, holding all the power in his hands! What I have lost will be regained a thousand times over! Dear readers, if you think "Invincible Urban God Lin Bei" is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and on Weibo!

693.12 Million words | 2022-04-27 09:18Update

urban fiction genre urban science fiction new urban fiction

Favor Overwhelms the Kingdom Fiction
Favor Overwhelms the Kingdom

Chu Ran was originally a triple-threat celebrity in the film, television, and music industries of the century. In a street shooting accident, she was hit by a car while saving a young girl. When she woke up, she found herself in a dynasty she had never heard of in history books. Since she was already here, she decided to embrace it. Luckily, she became a beloved county princess, with the king treating her like a treasure. However, she had a father who only cared about the pleasures of life, which was as good as not having one. But who would have expected that the tyrant, who was domineering, cruel, and capricious, insisted on bringing her into the palace to clean up his concubines and eventually shower her with his sole favor. She felt speechless about this temperamental emperor. When he was domineering, he would say, "If you dare to betray me, I will personally destroy you." When he was gentle, he would say, "Darling, you are my heart." When he was angry, he would say, "Chu Yanran, I really want to eat your flesh and drink your blood." When they were in danger, he would say, "Ran'er, you are my life. If anything happens to you, I will let this splendid kingdom accompany you in death, including myself." She only said it once, "In life, in death, from heaven to earth, your life is mine, and my death is yours." The author has started a new work "Fire Enchantress" and hopes everyone will support it.

304.86 Million words | 2022-04-21 03:19Update

speculative fiction books speculative fiction horror speculative fiction definition

Good matchmaker Fiction
Good matchmaker

New novel "Worldly Wife" quietly waits to be explored, meow meow meow meow~ [Link:] In her previous life, she was the legitimate daughter of a general's household, with endless prestige in front of others. However, a childhood love affair made her a discarded woman. She succeeded in remarrying, only to be burned alive. In this life, she stands coldly in front of everyone, looking at those who belittled, insulted, harmed, and hated her in her previous life. The corners of her cool mouth curl up - there are only two possibilities for your future lives, death or a fate worse than death! Reborn at the age of fourteen, Fu Jinxī returns with a bloodthirst, vowing to show no mercy and seek vengeance even if her hands are stained with blood, to crush and annihilate all who betrayed her! She no longer believes in a virtuous spouse, nor does she hope for a good matchmaker. In this lifetime, Fu Jinxī lives again solely for revenge! The new novel "Worldly Wife" is starting. Quietly waiting for comrades to join the journey, muah muah~ [Link:] About increasing the updates, for every hundred diamonds, an additional chapter will be added, for every five hundred recommendations, an extra chapter will be added. Generously donating chocolate or above will result in enthusiastic updates. Muah muah muah... Regarding finished novel "Pure Virtuous Legitimate Daughter," welcome all comrades to join the journey! [Link:] Muah muah, there's a group for those who want to discuss the plot, feel free to join, muah muah (author please don't join, thank you). Sina Weibo: Shang Shan You Li, muah muah.

218.11 Million words | 2023-04-13 19:23Update

speculative fiction books what is speculative fiction speculative fiction examples

Rainbow toothbrush Fiction
Rainbow toothbrush

The long-awaited first work to win the Mephisto Prize, the brilliant debut "Kiki" by Raichi Ueki! Raichi Ueki is a high school student who goes on various dates with clients and is also a famous detective. A color copy of the body left at the murder scene, a mentor with his arm severed and killed in a closed room, how Raichi manages to create blind spots for the stalker next door- he freely solves many difficult cases. When that astonishing secret is revealed, a new door to the real mystery is once again opened! A more radical and innovative masterpiece is born!! The bookstore clerks are once again amazed! The taste of something mature is carefully crafted, and... uh! Wait!? Kinokuniya Bookstore Youme Town Tokushima store by Mayumi Asaka, this is the "genuine version" that you will fall in love with, but it is R-rated. If you are an "adult," please read it. Let's dive into it!

520.81 Million words | 2021-08-20 14:15Update

speculative fiction definition is fantasy speculative fiction is horror speculative fiction

Master of Painting in One Piece Fiction
Master of Painting in One Piece

The Empress, the Master's only obsession, lives for this obsession, and the Master sets foot on the pinnacle of pirates! However, when the obsession is fulfilled, where is the Master's path? Witness the Master of Painting Technique, overturning the world of pirates!!!

264.79 Million words | 2022-01-01 02:15Update

speculative fiction books speculative fiction horror is horror speculative fiction

End of the World Stars Fiction
End of the World Stars

This is a post-apocalyptic world without electricity. Let's see how Liang, a butcher who excels in his craft, dominates and makes himself known in this era. There are various terrifying mutant creatures and awakened individuals with extraordinary abilities here.

511.40 Million words | 2020-11-03 03:53Update

speculative fiction books what is speculative fiction speculative fiction definition

The Chronicles of Demon Hunters Fiction
The Chronicles of Demon Hunters

Have you ever seen a white dog wearing clothes or a mouse eating a cat? Have you heard of paper people singing and flying zombies sucking blood? Come, listen to me...

347.79 Million words | 2021-05-07 04:56Update

speculative fiction books speculative fiction examples is horror speculative fiction

String space Fiction
String space

Wandering on the edge of life and death, lost in the choices between right and wrong, traversing the realms of magic and technology, stepping into the realms of reality and illusion. The enraged youth, whose family was destroyed, steps into this enchanting space, searching for the meaning of his existence! If you, dear readers, find "Superstring Space" intriguing, please remember to recommend it to your friends in your QQ groups and on Weibo!

235.80 Million words | 2020-08-21 06:34Update

speculative fiction horror what is speculative fiction speculative fiction examples

Urgency is like the law. Fiction
Urgency is like the law.

The story begins with me receiving fifty dollars from a fortune teller, and later, in the middle of the night, I unexpectedly heard a woman's voice behind me. Follow me on Sina Weibo: @九包包 is a fairy. Remember to click "Follow" and save it as a favorite!

385.95 Million words | 2022-04-15 05:09Update

speculative fiction definition is fantasy speculative fiction speculative fiction vs fantasy

The Death Game of the Apocalypse. Fiction
The Death Game of the Apocalypse.

When the troops of the Great Qin under the command of Emperor Ying Zheng sweep across the yellow sands! When Alexander the Great's fierce lion remains unbeatable! When Xiang Yu, the Hegemon-King of Chu, roars through the heavens and earth! When Li Yuanba of the Great Tang, with his unwavering twin hammers, questions the heavens! When Lü Bu's Fangtian Halberd appears menacing under the walls of Hulao Pass! When Zhuge Liang's feathered fan brushes through the gentle breeze! When Cao Cao's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry gallops freely! When King Arthur's Excalibur pierces the sky! When Diao Chan's dancing shadow, Xiao Qiao's melodious music, Cai Yan's clear singing voice, and Shangguan Wan'er's wisdom resound through the horizon! ...... Don't harbor any illusions, for this is the end of days with the return of the Demon Lord. Are you prepared?

334.14 Million words | 2020-11-09 06:45Update

speculative fiction horror speculative fiction examples is fantasy speculative fiction

Lone Eagle Fiction
Lone Eagle

Qin Chuan, an ordinary military academy student with mediocre performance from all aspects, along with his comrades Ning Zhi and Zheng Yong, was chosen to join a mysterious "special task force". They underwent brutal training together and formed an extraordinary friendship and understanding. While passionately carrying out missions, they encountered a disastrous defeat. Zheng Yong sacrificed himself, Ning Zhi was severely injured, and Qin Chuan was almost "relegated". Just then, Qin Chuan received orders from his superiors to go to the "Golden Triangle" and cooperate with Cheng Jianbang, who was lurking there, to get close to the notorious drug lord, Zhou Yadi. This marked the beginning of a brutal and special mission.

516.72 Million words | 2020-09-11 00:56Update

speculative fiction meaning speculative fiction horror speculative historical fiction

Cosmic Emperor Fiction
Cosmic Emperor

Anime, movies, novels, video games... when one day Li Yuan is able to enter them, a transcendent empire spanning across time and space is born!

298.59 Million words | 2022-01-13 03:33Update

speculative fiction meaning is fantasy speculative fiction is horror speculative fiction

Dark King Fiction
Dark King

Disaster erupts, the end of the world. Thrown into a cryogenic chamber, I slept for three hundred years, only to wake up to a world in the era of great upheaval! Here, there is cold-bloodedness, distortion, decadence, howling, singing, and loneliness... In this place, armed with the wisdom of a modern person, I vow to reach the pinnacle of the world and gaze into the distance from the heights! "Since I cannot adapt to this world, then let this world obey my will and change!" - Durdian. Official reminder: Please do not watch without the presence of an adult. Site reminder: If you think "Dark King" is good, don't forget to recommend it to your friends in your QQ group and Weibo!

334.64 Million words | 2021-10-08 23:25Update

realistic science fiction ravage an apocalyptic horror novel post apocalyptic fiction

Marvel's Mighty Monster Jedon Fiction
Marvel's Mighty Monster Jedon

On that day, the timid boy Shawn passed away under mysterious circumstances. People solemnly laid him to rest with heavy hearts. During the night, a meteor carrying the living embryo of the colossal monster, Jeton, streaked across the sky and crash-landed in the burial ground. In that moment, Shawn's life was reset, and Jeton reentered the world. Standing at sixty meters tall and weighing thirty thousand tons, the newborn monster looked down upon the entire Marvel universe. "Shawn, where did you send the Hulk this time? I've told you not to transform. We are here to teach you how to be a superhero, not how to destroy the world!" "But... this time I didn't transform..." (This is the story of a super monster that gradually grows in the Marvel universe, touted as the unbeatable force in the cosmos. Well, even in its infancy, it's already a towering sixty-meter behemoth...) (Book Group:)

421.61 Million words | 2022-07-09 03:09Update

speculative fiction books speculative fiction meaning speculative historical fiction