Supernatural Fiction

The Dark Tower Fiction
The Dark Tower

For over thirty years, fans of Stephen King in the United States have eagerly awaited the conclusion to Roland's pilgrimage to the hidden secrets of the Dark Tower. After almost three years of anticipation, Chinese readers are finally about to receive the long-awaited and slightly fearful grand finale. Mia gives birth to Mordred, the only child of the Crimson King, a personified spider with numerous connections to Roland, and immediately drains her own life force. The members of the Ka-Tet reunite on different battlefields and embark on their journey once again. After experiencing countless dangers and heart-wrenching farewells, they find themselves on the doorstep of the Dark Tower. However, Roland knows that it is in immediate danger! The threat from the Breakers with their supernatural powers still looms, and the rapidly growing Mordred relentlessly pursues them. No one knows what the outcome will be, not even Stephen King himself. In 1999, in the state of Maine, the great writer had a near-death experience when he was almost hit by a car while out for a walk. It was Jack who saved his life, and this incident gave Stephen King a new lease on writing. Thus, Roland watches as the Dark Tower grows closer and closer. Along the way, he rescues Patrick, who has been held captive by vampires. Patrick possesses incredible artistic abilities, with his drawings magically coming to life. At the end of the world, amidst fields of crimson roses, the longed-for Dark Tower stands tall. But the Crimson King guards it, personifying hell itself. Can Roland defeat this embodiment of evil? And what lies behind the door he has sought his whole life at the top of the Dark Tower?

402.01 Million words | 2021-12-31 20:21Update

speculative fiction horror speculative fiction examples is fantasy speculative fiction

Dr. Watson's Case Disruption Fiction
Dr. Watson's Case Disruption

I think in my lifetime, there was only one case that I, Dr. Watson, managed to solve in front of my legendary friend, Sherlock Holmes. It has been a blink of an eye and I am now well into my nineties, with a severely declining memory. However, this particular case is something I will never forget. I must write it down as soon as possible. It won't embarrass Holmes anymore, as he has been lying in his grave for many years.

217.20 Million words | 2020-08-02 05:11Update

speculative historical fiction is fantasy speculative fiction speculative fiction vs fantasy

Son of the Evil Moon Fiction
Son of the Evil Moon

In the dimly lit study, a sudden ring of the telephone on the desk signaled an imminent and terrifying change in my life. I am not a fortune teller, nor do I read celestial signs. In my eyes, the lines on my palms are completely powerless to reveal my future. I am not like the gypsies who can decipher fate from the patterns in wet tea leaves. My father's illness has reached a critical stage, and as I sat by his bedside last night, wiping the sweat from his brow, I knew that he may not hold on for much longer...

583.99 Million words | 2022-08-19 23:55Update

speculative historical fiction speculative fiction examples speculative fiction vs fantasy

There Really Isn't Any Python in My Reservoir Fiction
There Really Isn't Any Python in My Reservoir

After the death of Wang Mang, he transformed into a python and underwent frenzied evolution! With the help of his family, his size continued to grow, from a few meters to tens of meters, and eventually over a hundred meters! From Burmese pythons to Titan pythons, and then to deep-sea pythons! When Wang Mang reached a volume of over a hundred meters, a catastrophic change struck the Earth...

419.91 Million words | 2022-08-22 15:32Update

action science fiction dragon life novel passion novel

Catch the Ghosts for Twenty Years, I Entered into a Thriller Game Fiction
Catch the Ghosts for Twenty Years, I Entered into a Thriller Game

Transferred to another Blue Star, Lin Chen awakens the 'Catch the Ghosts and Sell' system. He can capture the paranormal and sell them to mine in the black mine, in exchange for Spirit Coins. However, in this peaceful world, the paranormal occurrences are too few. Despite trying for over a decade, Lin Chen had little success. Until one day, Lin Chen receives a letter from a thrilling game... This marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey. In the haunted restaurant, the head waiter sheds tears as there are no ghosts to scare the customers. In the eerie school, the students tremble in fear, and the principal lights a cigarette for them. And it's a game that all humans can play...

302.49 Million words | 2023-05-29 00:32Update

speculative fiction horror what is speculative fiction speculative historical fiction