Home > Boys > Historical > The Power of the Three Kingdoms Overwhelms the World
The Power of the Three Kingdoms Overwhelms the World Jerry Write
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Biochemical expert Liu Bang accidentally traveled to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and became Liu Xun, the son of Liu Zhang. Faced with the fratricidal struggle between father and son, and the schemes of treacherous villains, where will Liu Xun go from here? This is a tale of heroism and legend, weaving together both iron and blood with tender emotions. A true son should be like Liu Xun, like the son of Liu Jingsheng, a loyal and courageous warrior! Join our book lovers' group: [group information].

Biochemical expert Liu Bang accidentally traveled to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and became Liu Xun, the son of Liu Zhang. Faced with the fratricidal struggle between father and son, and the schemes of treacherous villains, where will Liu Xun go from here? This is a tale of heroism and legend, weaving together both iron and blood with tender emotions. A true son should be like Liu Xun, like the son of Liu Jingsheng, a loyal and courageous warrior! Join our book lovers' group: [group information].
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