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Enjoying Seoul John Write
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He returned from an infinite world, only to be unexpectedly entangled in a conspiracy. Behind their glamorous appearances, they carry hearts scarred by countless wounds. A map of heaven and earth stirs up a new era in Han entertainment! Pure Han entertainment, pseudo-infinite, it's just a tribute to the author's lost youth! Kim Taeyeon: Should I call you Assistant Cheng or Screenwriter Lin? Cheng Xiuyan: You liar! You've deceived me for twelve years! Do you know that I cry every day because of you? Cheng Xiujing: Brother-in-law, I want to drink Coca-Cola! Lin Yuner: President, I want to become a famous actress! Park Chorong: Oppa

He returned from an infinite world, only to be unexpectedly entangled in a conspiracy. Behind their glamorous appearances, they carry hearts scarred by countless wounds. A map of heaven and earth stirs up a new era in Han entertainment! Pure Han entertainment, pseudo-infinite, it's just a tribute to the author's lost youth! Kim Taeyeon: Should I call you Assistant Cheng or Screenwriter Lin? Cheng Xiuyan: You liar! You've deceived me for twelve years! Do you know that I cry every day because of you? Cheng Xiujing: Brother-in-law, I want to drink Coca-Cola! Lin Yuner: President, I want to become a famous actress! Park Chorong: Oppa
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 10 Scene 1 Completed Update : 2023-07-05 22:04

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