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The Cold-faced Lawyer Stole a Child. Marry Write
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Damn it, she is the granddaughter of the richest person in Asia. But she messed up a blind date and got kicked out of her grandfather's house, despite him always doting on her. Grandfather said she can only come back if she gives birth to the heir of the Ouyang family! Fine, if she's leaving home, at least she is a talented student from a prestigious Swiss school and can survive anywhere. But god, why are you doing this to me? Grandfather actually used the power of the Ouyang family to blacklist her in Hong Kong. Just the mention of her name, Ouyang Mingmei, and they won't even look at her resume! Somehow, she got involved with loan sharks and ended up with nowhere to live. But Ouyang Mingmei won't just give

Damn it, she is the granddaughter of the richest person in Asia. But she messed up a blind date and got kicked out of her grandfather's house, despite him always doting on her. Grandfather said she can only come back if she gives birth to the heir of the Ouyang family! Fine, if she's leaving home, at least she is a talented student from a prestigious Swiss school and can survive anywhere. But god, why are you doing this to me? Grandfather actually used the power of the Ouyang family to blacklist her in Hong Kong. Just the mention of her name, Ouyang Mingmei, and they won't even look at her resume! Somehow, she got involved with loan sharks and ended up with nowhere to live. But Ouyang Mingmei won't just give
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 10 Three Best Friends Update : 2023-07-05 15:33

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