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Rebirth of the Heavy Armor Thief Jerry Write
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Broken family, lost loved ones, pain of separation, love and hate, a life full of failures... Yue Tian has endured enough. But now, the mastermind behind all of this has been annihilated in a violent explosion, seeking retribution. This may be the only success in Yue Tian's life. Unsatisfied, fortunately fate gives him a chance. Yue Tian is reborn, back to his prime - the year when everything was fine. His parents were alive, he had just met Zhao Xinyi, and the game that changed the world, "Reincarnation," was officially released. So Yue Tian returns, carrying all his experiences and memories. What was lost, missed, taken away, he will reclaim them all! He won't let go again!! "The first Hidden Class Competition of 'Reincarnation' begins!" "What? Explain it clearly, you ten warriors were being chased and attacked by one thief?" "Why did that heavily armored MT on the other side disappear... Oh my god, he's behind you!" "Maybe one day someone will defeat me, but today is not that day, and that person... won't be you!"

Broken family, lost loved ones, pain of separation, love and hate, a life full of failures... Yue Tian has endured enough. But now, the mastermind behind all of this has been annihilated in a violent explosion, seeking retribution. This may be the only success in Yue Tian's life. Unsatisfied, fortunately fate gives him a chance. Yue Tian is reborn, back to his prime - the year when everything was fine. His parents were alive, he had just met Zhao Xinyi, and the game that changed the world, "Reincarnation," was officially released. So Yue Tian returns, carrying all his experiences and memories. What was lost, missed, taken away, he will reclaim them all! He won't let go again!! "The first Hidden Class Competition of 'Reincarnation' begins!" "What? Explain it clearly, you ten warriors were being chased and attacked by one thief?" "Why did that heavily armored MT on the other side disappear... Oh my god, he's behind you!" "Maybe one day someone will defeat me, but today is not that day, and that person... won't be you!"
Latest Chapter :   Reincarnation World's Prototype Update : 2023-07-05 22:09

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