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Tribal Empire Jerry Write
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People who travel through time always encounter thunder and lightning, but why do I just fall asleep and wake up in a different era? If I could travel, I would prefer to experience a world of magic and fantasy, a war-torn ancient land filled with warriors and immortals. How about sending me back to the primitive society? Let it be a truly primitive society, without any summoning artifacts, black technology systems, or anything like that. I want to build cities, explore knowledge, engage in fierce battles, and maybe even nurture a young lady.

People who travel through time always encounter thunder and lightning, but why do I just fall asleep and wake up in a different era? If I could travel, I would prefer to experience a world of magic and fantasy, a war-torn ancient land filled with warriors and immortals. How about sending me back to the primitive society? Let it be a truly primitive society, without any summoning artifacts, black technology systems, or anything like that. I want to build cities, explore knowledge, engage in fierce battles, and maybe even nurture a young lady.
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Ten: Taming the Bull Update : 2023-07-05 15:10

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