Home > Girls > Psychological > The Youthful Soaring of League of Legends
The Youthful Soaring of League of Legends Tom Write
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Part One: I made a deal in League of Legends to help a girl rank up and she said she'll be my girlfriend. Don't believe me? Well, I didn't believe it either, but initially, I did. Later on, I realized it was all nonsense! Because of this, I got beaten up twice a day and someone even made me pee my pants. But who am I? I am Fang Yun, and I am determined to create my own epic legend! Part Two: The former glory has become a distant memory. The cruelty of eSports lies in the fact that when I look back, I realize that what seemed like just a few years has passed like a fleeting dream, forgotten in some corner.

Part One: I made a deal in League of Legends to help a girl rank up and she said she'll be my girlfriend. Don't believe me? Well, I didn't believe it either, but initially, I did. Later on, I realized it was all nonsense! Because of this, I got beaten up twice a day and someone even made me pee my pants. But who am I? I am Fang Yun, and I am determined to create my own epic legend!

Part Two: The former glory has become a distant memory. The cruelty of eSports lies in the fact that when I look back, I realize that what seemed like just a few years has passed like a fleeting dream, forgotten in some corner.
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Ten: Blocked by someone! Update : 2023-07-06 00:22

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