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Wen Ruixiu watched as his future father-in-law waved his hand and summoned three handsome young men in front of him. He was told that his fiancée was among them. Tian Rou had always believed that what she managed to snatch was hers, little did she know that the jade pendant she had taken from her elder brother was actually a token of betrothal. She roughly pulled off the jade pendant that she had been wearing for over ten years and threw it to Wen Ruixiu, stuttering, "Sister-in-law! I didn't know you had this kind of relationship with my elder brother!" Wen Ruixiu: "..." Wen Ruixiu had been well-educated since childhood, and even in his youth, he had yearned for the heroic aspirations depicted in the frontier poems, sacrificing oneself for the nation

Wen Ruixiu watched as his future father-in-law waved his hand and summoned three handsome young men in front of him. He was told that his fiancée was among them. Tian Rou had always believed that what she managed to snatch was hers, little did she know that the jade pendant she had taken from her elder brother was actually a token of betrothal. She roughly pulled off the jade pendant that she had been wearing for over ten years and threw it to Wen Ruixiu, stuttering, "Sister-in-law! I didn't know you had this kind of relationship with my elder brother!" Wen Ruixiu: "..." Wen Ruixiu had been well-educated since childhood, and even in his youth, he had yearned for the heroic aspirations depicted in the frontier poems, sacrificing oneself for the nation
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 9: The Henchman Saved the Day Update : 2023-07-05 18:26

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