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The Invasion of Ghost Marriage: Fierce Ghost Husband John Write
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Born during the dark hours of Yin, I never believed in ghosts until that fateful Ghost Festival night when I dared to work late until dawn. Little did I know that I would stumble upon a paranormal event, and not only that, I would unintentionally utter the words, 'I want to marry the Ghost King and deal with ghosts every day.' Next thing I knew, I was actually married, but not to the Ghost King. Crossing ghost bridges, drinking ghost blood, and entering a ghost marriage, I embarked on a life intertwined with peach wood swords, celestial coins, and various talismans. Yet, why do none of these work on this stubborn ghost who still climbs into my bed every night? I'm frustrated and helpless, longing for death but too afraid to die. Yet, whenever I'm in danger, he appears before me like an exiled immortal, fiercely protecting me and threatening with his eerie voice, 'If any wicked spirit dares to harm Yao, I will make them vanish from this world. If any demon realm dares to touch Yao, I will cleanse it with blood. If the immortal realm tries to separate me from Yao, I will unleash the harshest ghosts from the underworld and turn the mortal world into a hellish prison!' Ending V: Both the male and female lead remain pure, pure!! Ghost marriage exchange QQ group: Nine Tails awaits everyone's arrival in the group. Nine Tails' strong pet romance new story: http://yynovel.motie.com/book/

Born during the dark hours of Yin, I never believed in ghosts until that fateful Ghost Festival night when I dared to work late until dawn. Little did I know that I would stumble upon a paranormal event, and not only that, I would unintentionally utter the words, 'I want to marry the Ghost King and deal with ghosts every day.' Next thing I knew, I was actually married, but not to the Ghost King. Crossing ghost bridges, drinking ghost blood, and entering a ghost marriage, I embarked on a life intertwined with peach wood swords, celestial coins, and various talismans. Yet, why do none of these work on this stubborn ghost who still climbs into my bed every night? I'm frustrated and helpless, longing for death but too afraid to die. Yet, whenever I'm in danger, he appears before me like an exiled immortal, fiercely protecting me and threatening with his eerie voice, 'If any wicked spirit dares to harm Yao, I will make them vanish from this world. If any demon realm dares to touch Yao, I will cleanse it with blood. If the immortal realm tries to separate me from Yao, I will unleash the harshest ghosts from the underworld and turn the mortal world into a hellish prison!' Ending V: Both the male and female lead remain pure, pure!! Ghost marriage exchange QQ group: Nine Tails awaits everyone's arrival in the group. Nine Tails' strong pet romance new story: http://yynovel.motie.com/book/
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 10: The Mysterious Man Update : 2023-07-06 04:48

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