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King of Online Sailing Lily Write
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My name is Zhao Gangzi, and my online pseudonym is Gangzi. As I entered the world of national prosperity, I had countless fantasies about my gaming career: whether I would be a formidable warrior who vanquishes enemies with a feather fan and a witty remark; or a brave general who seizes the heads of enemy commanders in the midst of a vast army; or perhaps I would light the beacon fires across thousands of miles, all for the smile of a beautiful woman. But little did I know... The majestic clouds sail across the sky, accompanied by fierce cannons and the deafening roars of yesterday's magnificent sea battles. The disciplined navy, the romantic pirates, and the blazing black flags rise once again and spread across the seven seas. And of course,

My name is Zhao Gangzi, and my online pseudonym is Gangzi. As I entered the world of national prosperity, I had countless fantasies about my gaming career: whether I would be a formidable warrior who vanquishes enemies with a feather fan and a witty remark; or a brave general who seizes the heads of enemy commanders in the midst of a vast army; or perhaps I would light the beacon fires across thousands of miles, all for the smile of a beautiful woman. But little did I know...

The majestic clouds sail across the sky, accompanied by fierce cannons and the deafening roars of yesterday's magnificent sea battles. The disciplined navy, the romantic pirates, and the blazing black flags rise once again and spread across the seven seas. And of course,
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 9: Territory in Hand Update : 2023-07-05 16:39

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