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Youth Without Spice John Write
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Intro: Li Weiming, a freshman who mistakenly enters the wrong dormitory on his first day at university, meets a group of eccentric roommates. Over the course of four years, they experience unexpected entanglements of love, friendship, and family ties. Even Li, who was once upright, begins to materialize love after meeting wealthy second-generation student Fang Wenke. These tumultuous memories become precious treasures in her life. And thus, the college life begins, creating waves...

Intro: Li Weiming, a freshman who mistakenly enters the wrong dormitory on his first day at university, meets a group of eccentric roommates. Over the course of four years, they experience unexpected entanglements of love, friendship, and family ties. Even Li, who was once upright, begins to materialize love after meeting wealthy second-generation student Fang Wenke. These tumultuous memories become precious treasures in her life. And thus, the college life begins, creating waves...
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 10: First Date Update : 2023-07-06 02:27

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