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The boyfriend in the doomsday is a pot. Tom Write
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The end of the world has come and resources are scarce, but Fang Ru happens to have acquired a glutton. But why is it a pot for cooking medicine?! He'll starve if he doesn't eat, and if she doesn't feed him, he'll devour her soul! Fine, in order to earn food for the pot, Fang Ru rolls up her sleeves and works hard. But...how did she accidentally end up earning a bowl full for herself? The pot with a contract tearfully says, "I'm hungry, I want to eat." Slave owner Fang Ru wields a small whip and says, "I still have a thousand doses of the explosively powerful medicine to finish the order. You'll get your food when I'm done frying it." The antagonist, Third Uncle, hides behind the wall, thinking, "This pot is supposed to be a ancestral deadly weapon, right? How come not only is she not dead, but she's getting better and better!" Fang Ru and the pot exchange a murderous gaze! Hey, Third Uncle, don't run! Why did you send him to me/me to her?! Come over

The end of the world has come and resources are scarce, but Fang Ru happens to have acquired a glutton. But why is it a pot for cooking medicine?! He'll starve if he doesn't eat, and if she doesn't feed him, he'll devour her soul! Fine, in order to earn food for the pot, Fang Ru rolls up her sleeves and works hard. But...how did she accidentally end up earning a bowl full for herself? The pot with a contract tearfully says, "I'm hungry, I want to eat." Slave owner Fang Ru wields a small whip and says, "I still have a thousand doses of the explosively powerful medicine to finish the order. You'll get your food when I'm done frying it." The antagonist, Third Uncle, hides behind the wall, thinking, "This pot is supposed to be a ancestral deadly weapon, right? How come not only is she not dead, but she's getting better and better!" Fang Ru and the pot exchange a murderous gaze! Hey, Third Uncle, don't run! Why did you send him to me/me to her?! Come over
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Nine: Help me! Update : 2023-07-06 00:03

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